Category Archives: Marketing

Effective Management of Business Social Media Profiles

Effective management of business social media profiles with platform icons

In today’s web world, a strong web presence is no longer a luxury for firms – it’s a necessity. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become powerful tools for connecting with clients. They build brand awareness and drive sales. But simply creating a web page isn’t enough. Companies must implement effective social media management strategies to […]

Advantages of Investing in SEO Services

Advantages of investing in SEO services with colorful SEO letters

Imagine a world where customers looking for your products can easily find you. That’s the power of SEO. Today, many customers rely on search engines to see what they need. So, a strong web presence is now a luxury. Now, it’s a necessity. So, reaching the benefits of SEO services is what you need to […]

Mastering Digital Marketing Strategy: Success Stories from Hamilton

Essentials of a digital marketing strategy with icons on blue background

The term “strategy” is often tossed around in business discussions. It’s a buzzword that signifies a plan for achieving success. But, at its core, what is a digital marketing strategy? A digital marketing strategy is a planned framework that outlines how a business will use digital channels to achieve its marketing objectives. A well-crafted strategy […]

5 Key Reasons Digital Marketing Is Essential for Success

Woman holding a megaphone covering her face, with text "5 Key Reasons Digital Marketing Is Essential for Success" on a green background.

Answer this question honestly: “How important is the internet to you?” Of course, it’s not your top answer, but it’s still probably reasonably critical to your daily life. Right? Given the Internet’s influence, many businesses want to take center stage in search. Digital marketing can help them do just that. And we have the top […]

Boost Your Business Visibility with Local SEO

Graphic promoting local seo to boost your business visibility, featuring a cloud symbol with dollar sign and magnifying glasses, next to a laptop on a dual yellow and blue background.

In today’s digital world, standing out among the crowd online takes work. But it’s what allows your business to thrive among many local competitors. To make sure you can successfully stand out, consider utilizing local SEO. Let’s understand what local SEO services are together. Imagine this: your business appears at the top of search engine […]

The Ultimate Guide to Backlink Strategies

A panda holding a bamboo shoot illustrates the 'Ultimate Guide to Backlink Strategies,' symbolizing organic SEO growth and strength.

Can you imagine a world where your website thrives purely on the merit of its content without any backlinks?  Me neither. It’s a nice thought, but in modern SEO, backlinks are a cornerstone. They add depth, context, and credibility; they’ve become more important over time. Back in the early 2000s, backlinks were the wild west […]

How Do I Get Google Perspectives in Canada?

Google Perspectives is coming to Canada soon

A whole new perspective is always a good thing- just ask Google! Last spring, it launched an intriguing new feature- Google Perspectives. Now available on mobile and web in the U.S., this feature is Google’s response to the rising competition in the search engine optimization arena, especially from social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. […]

What’s the Cost of Buying Links in 2023? We Contacted 1,950 Blogs to Uncover the Truth

Difference between link building and buying links.

As a longterm strategy, SEO can be more economical than many other marketing avenues, but it can also add up quickly if link aquisition is not performed with expertise and tact.  Building backlinks is critical to the success of any search engine optimization campaign. David McSweeney, a frequent Ahrefs contributor, and Joshua Hardwick, Head of […]

6 Ways A Google My Business Listing Can Boost Your Business

An iPhone showcasing the Google My Business app for business owners.
[Updated on: May 25, 2022]Google My Business is now called Google Business Profile. Many businesses have already claimed their Google My Business listing page, but haven’t used it to its full potential.  That’s a mistake! GMB is a fantastic resource for generating relevant exposure for your business. And, more importantly, make sure prospective buyers know […]

Choosing a Real Estate Marketing Agency: All You Need to Know

Happy couple that chose the right agent because that agent worked with the right real estate marketing agency.

Gaining recognition and raising brand awareness as a real estate company can be quite challenging. Not every brand can be the classic “little black dress” of the real estate industry, right? After suffering from some serious Covid-related setbacks in 2020, the global real estate market is bouncing back and its growth will not be stopping […]

Why Should You Pick a Result Driven Online Marketing Agency?

Learn why a Result Driven Online Marketing Agency is so important to the vetting process of choosing a digital agency.

Looking for an online marketing agency? We’ve got good news and not-so-good news.  The good news is that you have a lot to choose from. Google ‘Hamilton digital marketing agency’ and you get over nine million results.  (SociallyInfused Media is Number One, but we digress.) The bad news is that it’s hard to tell which […]

Brand Marketing: How to Make It Effective

A young woman learning abou tthe benefits of brand marketing.

Branding is the art and science of building a strong and distinctive image that represents a company, product, or service. It is an important part of a brand marketing strategy because it creates recognition and awareness. A good branding strategy should be simple, memorable, and consistent. It should also be in line with the company’s […]

DIY SEO on a Budget [Ultimate Small Business Guide]

DIY SEO crafts!

DIY SEO isn’t scary. You’re a king / queen 👑 that has started your own new business. You’ve already launched your website. It looks great and the copy is compelling. It’s time to go to market, and that means marketing. So, what’s it going to be? Should you hire out search engine optimization services or […]

Crucial Onpage Marketing Strategies that Convert

Designing a landing page

Today, it’s not enough to simply have a website, although it’s a fantastic first start. Your website may do a tremendous job of describing your products and services and presenting your brand as the natural solution for your target audience’s needs, but what if no one sees it? Or if they do see it and […]

How to Start Your Own Business [Ultimate Guide]

Young entrepreneur with arms crossed

Some of us are fated to become entrepreneurs—from building a demand-driven Dunkaroos supply chain on the playground to constructing our first driveway lemonade stand—we’re fearless and possess a relentless fire that fuels our determination. However, for most of us, starting a business is a daunting and overwhelming endeavor. There are too many wildcards and unknowns. […]

All You Need Is Love: How To Convert Valentine’s Day Customers Into Return Shoppers

Roses on valentine's day for ecommerce

True love has a habit of coming back, and what better time to foster customer loyalty than during Valentine’s Day? The feelings and emotions that you evoke from a potential customer form how they identify with your company, and positive emotions can boost your brand’s personality—which studies demonstrate can also make you more memorable. How […]

6 Brilliant Examples of Effective SaaS Marketing

SaaS marketing banner for post

Though the history of software as a service (SaaS) dates back to the 1960s, it wasn’t until the ’90s dot-com boom when the industry truly began surging. Now, projected to reach $278 billion in revenue by 2021, SaaS is growing faster than ever. And with more competition entering an already crowded digital landscape every day, […]

When Search Intent Requires More Than A Blog

search intent google query

Blog content can entice customers to your product; however, due to Google’s focus on search intent, a blog may not be the best form of content marketing or social media marketing. How do you figure out if your blog is enough or if you need to pursue other content marketing strategies? In the following paragraphs, […]

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Digital Marketers Sooner Than We Think?

Two robots with signs: AI marketing team.

What do you see when you envision the artificial intelligence (AI) of the future? Perhaps you imagine a soulless terminator-esque machine—self-aware AI going rogue and declaring apocalyptic war on humanity, subsequently enslaving or wiping out all life. Maybe I’ve gone a little overboard here, but is this proclamation really so outlandish? According to a 2019 […] Protection Status